Customer Value Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Customer Value or Customer Delivered Value is the difference between Total Customer Value and Total Customer Cost. Customer Value = Product Value + Service Value + Personnel Value + Image Value

Total Customer Value is the bundle of benefits that the customers expect from a given product or service.

Total Customer Cost is the bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the product or service. Total Customer Cost = Monetary Cost + Time Cost + Energy Cost + Psychic Cost
Customers make their purchases based on Customer Delivered Value or on the basis of value-price ratio. Value – price ratio = Total Customer Value / Total Customer Cost
Seller who is at a delivered value disadvantage has two alternatives:
Increase Total Customer Value: strengthen product, service, personnel and image benefits
Decrease Total Customer Cost.: reduce price, simplify ordering and processing process, absorb buyers risk by offering warranty etc.

Quote : Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 10th Edition

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